Below are the 7 sections & subsections required by GMU for the portfolio:
Portfolio #1
Section 1: Your Current Vita/Resume
A template for your vita can be found here: http://…
Section 2: An Analytic and Personal Essay
In this section, you will want to reread the original goals statement you prepared for
admission into the program, and then address how you are now viewing your role and
place in your Ph.D. coursework and your profession; provide evidence of changes
highlighted and relevant work accomplished. Include in this section:
A. A copy of your original Goal Statement from your admissions file.
B. A written description (3-5 pages) detailing your academic goals (specialization and supporting areas of study), research goals (problems, topics, theories, concepts, approaches, interests), and professional goals.
C. An optional pictorial representation of how your interests, experiences, and plans fit together into a coherent conceptual framework. This creative diagram should concisely portray the intellectual substance of your developing identity as a scholar-practitioner.
Section 3: Proposed Program of Study
Please complete the Program of Study document found on the Ph.D. website.
How does your proposed POS help you accomplish your goals?
If you are seeking to use credits previously earned elsewhere or at George Mason University, e.g. non-degree courses, please provide a rationale. Information on applying these credits can be found in the Program Guidelines on the Ph.D. website.
Note: You do not need to specify which advanced research methods course you intend to
take. You can address that in the second and third portfolio assessments as your plans
become clearer.
Section 4: Knowledge Discussion Essay
The purpose of this Section is for you to make connections among coursework taken in the foundations class, the research methods classes taken, and the student’s specialization and emphasis area or concentration.
In a 500-1000 word essay, you are expected to analyze what you have learned about the field so far and to situate this knowledge into the courses you have taken. You will want to address the major connections and themes you are seeing in your specializations/concentration.
Please hyperlink relevant pieces from evidence from your Academic Archive. The Academic Archive is a repository of all of the major course products from each course you have taken to date. Please include in the Archive the major course assignment you were given and your graded paper with the professor’s comments.
Transcripts. In each portfolio, please include copies of your transcripts at the time of application to the Ph.D. program. To facilitate your degree audit, update your Mason transcripts (unofficial is acceptable) for each portfolio presentation. These should be included in your Academic Archive, along with a statement explaining why you received any grades of C or lower, or an Incomplete.
Note: Should you not pass this portfolio assessment, you can conduct this review once more within three months of the date of the first Portfolio I presentation. Students who are unable to provide acceptable evidence of readiness to continue in the program at that second presentation will not be permitted to continue in the doctoral program.
Portfolio #2
Portfolio II: Students must complete Portfolio Review II in the Fall or Spring semester immediately after they have accumulated 36 credit hours of coursework. After this review, submit the signed PAF II to the Ph.D. in Education Office for your files. Include your copy of the PAF II in your portfolio. Use the feedback you receive from your Program Advisory Committee from Portfolio Review II in preparing for the Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment.
Section 1: Updated Vita
Section 2: Analytical Personal and Professional Update
In this section, please address the following questions.
- Since Portfolio 1, in what ways have you been engaged in your professional community?
- How have you addressed the gaps discussed in Portfolio Evaluation 1?
- What have you done and how have the courses informed you?
- How have your courses influenced your thinking and work?
- What are your intellectual goals now?
- What are your professional goals now? Provide evidence of these changes.
Section 3a: Knowledge Representation Essay
In this essay you are expected to demonstrate your understanding of your field at
this point in the program. This can be a brief narrative accompanied by a logic
map that demonstrates what you know now and the methods for studying it
(approximately 500 words). Please provide hyperlinks from this essay to your
Academic Archive, as appropriate.
Section 3b: Knowledge Application
In this section please identify a key issue in your field. Provide a brief synthesis of some of the seminal and contemporary literature in your field and discuss the theory and methods used for studying it. (1000 – 1500 words); provide hyperlinks to your Academic Archive, as appropriate.
Section 4: Program of Study update
Please conduct a review of your program plan and timeline and make changes as
appropriate. At this point, you should specify the advanced methods classes you
intend to take. Please submit an updated copy of your Program of Study to the
Ph.D. in Education Office.
Academic Archive: In each portfolio, please include copies of your transcripts at the time of application to the Ph.D. program. To facilitate your degree audit, update your Mason transcripts (unofficial is acceptable) for each portfolio presentation. These should be included in your Academic Archive, along with a statement explaining why you received any grades of C or lower or an Incomplete.
Note: Should you not pass this portfolio assessment, you can conduct this review once more within three months of the date of the first Portfolio II presentation. Students who are unable to provide acceptable evidence of readiness to continue in the program at that second presentation will not be permitted to continue in the doctoral program.
Portfolio #3
Portfolio III (Comprehensive Portfolio): The Comprehensive Portfolio is presented when all coursework is completed, with the one exception being the advanced research methods course. The Comprehensive Portfolio cannot be presented later than the tenth (10th) semester of study, not counting summers. You should submit your Comprehensive Portfolio to your Program Advisory Committee chairperson for approval, then to the remaining members of your Committee two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. If appropriate, complete a revised Program of Study (signed by all members of the doctoral advising committee) and submit this document to the Ph.D. in Education Office. Include your copy of the Program of Study in your portfolio. At the meeting, sign and have your committee sign the Portfolio Assessment Review Sheet (PAF III). Submit the PAF III to the Ph.D. in Education Office for your files.
Section 1: Updated vita
Section 2: Analytic Personal and Professional Essay
In an essay of 500-1000 words, please address the following questions:
- Since Portfolio Evaluation II, in what ways have you continued to be engaged in your professional community?
- How have you addressed the gaps addressed in Portfolio Evaluation 2?
- What have you done and how have the courses informed you?
- How have your courses influenced your thinking and work?
- Provide evidence of these changes through your coursework products and assignments with hyperlinks to course products including the assignments you were given to complete, as appropriate.
Section 3: Knowledge Evidence Essay
The Knowledge Evidence Essay is a minimum of a 30 page (of text) synthesis of the literature and serves as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your mastery of researchable topic or problem in your field. You should look upon this essay as a potentially publishable article in your field that serves also as a dissertation planning document. Please be sure to address these questions at a minimum. Before preparing Portfolio III, you should meet with your academic advisor to discuss the issues and areas of emphasis that are specific to your field:
- What is the problem or topic?
- What is the history of the research in this area?
- In what databases have you searched?
- What are the theories that inform the field?
- What are the “camps” within the field?
- How convincing is the evidence for each “camp”?
The Knowledge Evidence Essay does not bind you to that particular topic for your dissertation research. Neither is the Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment to be regarded as a Proposal Defense. The initial dissertation planning is considered, with other evidence, to determine that the student is prepared to undertake original research, and proceed to the dissertation phase of the program.
Section 4: Program of Study final review
At this time, your program of study and your academic transcript should be identical. It is incumbent upon you to be sure you have satisfied all University and program requirements in order to proceed to the dissertation phase of the program. Should you have failed to take a required course, or still have an Incomplete(s) for a grade, or have outstanding bills with the University, you will not be allowed to proceed to EDUC 998: Dissertation Proposal.
Academic Archive. In addition to the major assignment from each course you have taken in the program (with your professor’s feedback to you), please also include in this portfolio a link to your most recent transcript.
Evaluation of Comprehensive Portfolio
If any weaknesses or gaps in evidence of readiness for dissertation work are noted in the Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment, use feedback from this meeting to address each area of concern. In order to give you guidance the Portfolio Assessment and Feedback (PAF) form must specify any and all actions that your committee requires you to complete before you are judged to have fully passed the Comprehensive Portfolio Assessment.